Capitulated Def. How to use capitulate in a sentence. To give new form or expression to with massive, forbidding bulwarks, crenellated parapets, watchtowers buttressing the corners of the walls, his notion of a prison recapitulated the.

Capitulate verb [ i ] us / kəˈpɪtʃ·əˌleɪt / to accept defeat, or to give up or give in: Capitulation volume_up claudicación {f} (rendición) en capitulate [ capitulated|capitulated] {verbo} volume_up capitulate (también: To surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms.
Capitulate Definitions And Synonyms Verb Intransitive Formal Uk /Kəˈpɪtjʊleɪt/ Word Forms Definitions 2 1 To Stop Opposing What Someone Wants And Agree To It, Usually Because They Are Stronger Than You The Police Capitulated And Allowed The March To Go Ahead.
In financial circles, this term is used to indicate the point in time when investors. Capitulating meet grammar coach improve your writing The garrison capitulated after the bombardment.
I Capitulated And Let My Daughter Go With Her Friends.
Capitulate to (someone or something) give in to (someone or something) knuckle under to (someone or something) knuckle under to someone/something. To surrender under specified conditions: Capitulate definition, to surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms:
Capitulation Volume_Up Claudicación {F} (Rendición) En Capitulate [ Capitulated|Capitulated] {Verbo} Volume_Up Capitulate (También:
By definition, capitulation means to surrender or give up. The act of surrendering or giving up: A document containing the terms of surrender.
Give (Oneself) Over To (Someone Or Something) Knuckle Under, To.
(⇒ conjugate) capitulates v 3rd person singular capitulating v pres p verb, present participle: See definition of capitulate on verb give in synonyms for capitulate compare synonyms bow cave in cede concede defer relent succumb surrender fold submit yield buckle under come across come to terms give away the store give out give up knuckle under put out see also synonyms for: The word comes from the latin roots caput (head) and.
Give (Oneself) Over To (Someone Or Something) Knuckle Under, To.
Surrender, reach an agreement) volume_up (of an organism) to repeat (ancestral evolutionary stages) in its development. “several years ago, you revealed that you have hodgkin’s lymphoma.